VEVOR 12in Blade Electric Meat Slicer Cutting Machine Kitchen Chopper Vegetable Cutter for Beef Turkey Home Appliance Commercial


SKU: cmmsnka1i6tg00bof5g0 Category:





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CA & TX & NJ & KY







City of Industry,CA
Perth Amboy,NJ


Product Description




electric meat slicer, stainless steel, 0-0.6 inch

Product Description:



Features & Details


  • 【ASSURING QUALITY】- This electric meat slicer is made of cast aluminum, with painted surface, anti-rust and easy-cleaning. The anti-skid rubber feet guarantee the stability during operating.
  • 【POWERFUL PERFORMANCE】- 12-inch diameter carbon steel blade and high-power 250W pure copper motor facilitate the slicing with ease, which makes the machine a perfect meat slicer for home use. Furthermore, the blade material is imported from Italy, which provides a premium quality.
  • 【EASE OF OPERATION】- Comes with thickness regulator for adjusting the thickness of the meat slice (0-0.6"/1-16 mm) at will; Fixed device with steel nails for effective fixing of meat, and the handle for easy cutting with no noise.
  • 【RELIABILITY & SAFETY】- Built-in sharpener for quick and safe blade sharpening; ON/OFF switch with waterproof cover ensures safety during operation; transparent shield allows fingers to avoid contact with the blade for safety. Bottom vent holes designed for effective heat dissipation.
  • 【WIDE APPLICATION】- This meat cutter machine is suitable for slicing various of food, such as meat, deli, cheese, roast beef, turkey breast, bread, vegetables, fruits, etc.

Key Features

  • electric meat slicer, stainless steel, 0-0.6 inch

    Premium Quality


    This slicer machine is consist of high-quality cast aluminum body and Italy imported carbon steel blade. This material is durable. Also Carbon steel blade is sharper than stainless steel blade, the wear resistance of carbon steel is better, and stainless steel blade is more easily blunt.

  • electric meat slicer, stainless steel, 0-0.6 inch


    12-Inch Diameter Blade


    With this ultra-sharp carbon steel blade, this top-quality 530 rpm meat slicer with dual baffle plates is more stable and convenient. The powerful 250 watts motor can slice food in seconds, and it can save much more electricity. The groove cutting surface effectively prevents the meat from sticking to the blade.

  • electric meat slicer, stainless steel, 0-0.6 inch


    Easy Thickness Regulation


    Equipped with one easy-operating slicer thickness regulator, which can be adjusted from 0 to 0.6 inch. Conveniently help you customize slices as you like. The ON-OFF switch with waterproof cover,  the blade with lid, and the dual whetstones with cover can ensure a fully guarded operation process.

  • electric meat slicer, stainless steel, 0-0.6 inch


    Excellent Meat Table


    The meat table comes with an active pusher for stable fixing of meat, and an easy-to-use handle for effortless slicing of meat. Stainless steel baffle plate and transparent plastic plate avoid meat falling off when slicing.

  • electric meat slicer, stainless steel, 0-0.6 inch


    Well-designed Details


    This powerful meat slicer can efficiently cut the meat, and it is energy saving.  Built-in sharpener for sharpening blade safely and conveniently; anti-skid rubber feet, and stainless steel fixing device with steel nails ensures stability during slicing; a transparent shield and 2 baffles effectively prevent your fingers from coming close to the blade; ON/OFF switch with cover for safety.

  • electric meat slicer, stainless steel, 0-0.6 inch


    Wide Application


    Perfect for slicing various of food such as meat, deli, cheese, roast beef, turkey Breast, vegetables, fruits, etc. Suitable for both home and commercial use.

electric meat slicer, stainless steel, 0-0.6 inch
Semi-Auto Electric Meat Slicer

This food slicer is made of cast aluminum and solid carbon steel, with painted surface, anti-corrosion and anti-rust. A thickness regulator is equipped in this meat cutter, able to adjust the thickness of slicers between 0-0.6" (1-16mm). It is a perfect turkey deli meat slicer, bread slicer, deli slicer and salad shooter!

  • Assuring Quality
  • Powerful Performance
  • Ease Of Operation
  • Reliability & Safety

<!–electric meat slicer, stainless steel, 0-0.6 inch

Package Content


  • Model: JK-300A
  • Slicer Thickness: 0-0.6" (1-16mm)
  • Blade Size: 12" (300mm)
  • Cutting Stroke: 8.7" (220mm)
  • Rated Power: 250W
  • Body Material: Cast Aluminum
  • Blade Material: Carbon Steel
  • Net Weight: 48.5 lbs (22kg)

Package Content

  • 1 x Electric Meat Slicer
  • 1 x Belt
  • 2 x Sharpener

electric meat slicer, stainless steel, 0-0.6 inch electric meat slicer, stainless steel, 0-0.6 inch electric meat slicer, stainless steel, 0-0.6 inch electric meat slicer, stainless steel, 0-0.6 inch
500KG Meat cutter slicer 5MM 0.2" Blade Set for LSDP-68 7MM 0.28" Blade Set for LSDP-68 250KG Meat Cutter Slicer
5MM 0.2" Blade Set for TSDP-48 7MM 0.28" Blade Set for TSDP-48 Power supply 550W LSDP-68(550W)
LSDP-68(550W) 550W TSDP-48(550W) TSDP-48(550W) Voltage
110V LSDP-68(110V) LSDP-68(110V) 110V TSDP-48(110V)
TSDP-48(110V) Working Capacity 500KG/hour LSDP-68(500KG/hour) LSDP-68(500KG/hour)
250KG/hour TSDP-48(250KG/hour) TSDP-48(250KG/hour) Feature 1 High efficiency
Stainless Steel Construction Stainless Steel Construction convenient washing Stainless Steel Construction Stainless Steel Construction
Feature 2 Safe protection button Versatile Usage Versatile Usage Safe protection button
Versatile Usage Versatile Usage

Additional information



Ships From

CZECH REPUBLIC, Poland, United States, UNITED KINGDOM, GERMANY, spain, Australia, Russian Federation, france, Mexico


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